I am so excited to host local Greenville artist Patti Brady in the studio for a Watermedia Workshop on Saturday, March 21st. Patti is an amazingly talented artist who works with color in a beautiful way. She also has been a teaching artist with the Golden Paint Company since it started up and has a wealth of knowledge about paints, pigments, and color.
Patti's Watermedia Workshop will be Wet & Wild! A wide selection of supplies will be accessible to students to experiment with: QoR Watercolor, GOLDEN High Flow, Fluids, and other acrylic products. Patti will also cover a great deal of Acrylic and Watercolor Techniques.
We only have 2 spots left for this workshop: register HERE
We will pour, draw, stain, splash, bleed, overlay, and print of a myriad of prepared surfaces created with Golden Grounds. We will play with the easy lift of Watercolor and combine that with the permanent staying power of acrylic.
We will work with the new florescent Golden pigments, and some new surfaces including Duralar, QoR Grounds, and some fun surprises.
All materials provided in pricing- please come with an open mind ready to try new techniques!
Patti at work in her studio.
I sincerely hope you can make it to this exciting, expressive workshop!